جديد الإعجاز العلمى فى القرآن والسنة


The holy quran had discovered America before Christopher Columbus Did that !!

 The holy quran had discovered America before Christopher Columbus Did that !!

In surat al – kahf .. the holy quran mentioned a hint about the very interesting story of a great king named (Zulqarnain) , this man – with his army – had done many trips in the whole earth .. from its east to its far west , and during his military missions .. he reached the far west ..


Experts in geography said ( the most beautiful sun set you will ever see is that present in (Geyser  ) area in west America … there , you can see the sun as if it descends in a spring of boiling water , because the ocean in these areas is full of boiling lakes .. and you will imagine as if the sun is going down into one of them !!


This is best understood by remembering what happens when you look to the dark page of the night sky .. could you determine which star is nearer than the other? … surely no , because they are to far , so you see them at the same distance , and by the same rule here , you will see the the furthest spring and the sun at the same level , and as if the sun is going down into the boiling spring .


This beautiful scene of west America had been described in the holy quran , before Christopher Columbus discover America by about 900 yeers !!


Allah says (Until when he reached the place where the sun set, he found it going down into a boiling spring , and found by it a people. We said: O Zulqarnain! either give them a chastisement or do them a benefit.)


How mohammed mentioned this in a book that he write from his mind?!!


Isnnot this a very strong evidence that the quran is a book coming from our god , and that mohammed is a real prophet ..

I wish you find your correct way to your god ..



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